Going to college can be expensive, but there are ways to make it more affordable. One of these ways is through something called work study. Work study programs help students earn money while they are studying in school. The money earned can help pay for school costs like books, supplies, and daily expenses.

In this article, we will explain what work study is, how it works, and why it might be a good choice for you.

What is Work Study?

Work study is a special program that allows students to work part-time jobs while they are going to school. These jobs are usually related to the student’s area of study, but they can also be other types of work. The goal is to help students earn money and gain job experience while they are studying.

Understanding Work Study Programs

Work study programs are often a part of a student’s financial aid package. This means that not every student automatically gets a work study job; instead, they must be eligible for it based on their financial need.

Definition of Work Study

A work study program is a program where students can work part-time while studying at a college or university. The jobs can be on-campus (like in the library or cafeteria) or off-campus (like working for a non-profit organization). The money earned can help cover school costs or living expenses.

How Does Work Study Work?

When a student gets accepted into a work study program, they can apply for specific jobs offered by the school or community. These jobs allow the student to earn a certain amount of money each year. The pay is usually at least the minimum wage, and the number of hours a student can work is limited so they have time for their classes.

Benefits of Work Study Programs

Work study programs offer many benefits to students. It’s not just about earning money; it’s also about learning new skills and gaining real-life work experience.

Why Students Should Consider Work Study

Here are some reasons why work study might be a good option for students:

Helps Pay for School

  • Earn money while studying: Work study allows students to earn money that they can use to pay for their school expenses like books, supplies, or even transportation.
  • Reduces student loans: By earning money through a work study program, students may be able to borrow less money in student loans, which means less debt after graduation.

Gains Valuable Work Experience

  • Builds job skills: Students in work study programs get the chance to develop skills like communication, time management, and teamwork.
  • Looks good on a resume: Having work study experience can help students find better jobs after they finish school. Employers like to see that a student has job experience, even if it’s a part-time job.

How to Qualify for a Work Study Program

Not every student automatically gets work study. You need to meet certain requirements to be eligible for it.

Requirements for Work Study

Who Can Apply for Work Study?

  • Must be a student: To qualify for work study, you need to be enrolled in a college or university that offers this program.
  • Financial need: Work study is usually given to students who need financial help to pay for their education. The school will look at your family’s income to see if you qualify.
  • U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens: In the United States, work study is part of the federal financial aid program, so only students who are citizens or eligible non-citizens can apply.

How to Apply for a Work Study Program

To apply for a work study program, follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the FAFSA: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the form you need to complete to apply for any type of financial aid, including work study.
  2. Check if you qualify: After you submit the FAFSA, your school will let you know if you qualify for work study.
  3. Look for work study jobs: If you qualify, you can search for work study jobs on your school’s website or visit the school’s financial aid office for help.

Types of Jobs in Work Study Programs

Work study programs offer many different types of jobs. Some of these jobs are on the school campus, while others are off-campus.

What Kind of Work Can You Do in Work Study?

Students can do many types of work in a work study program. These jobs can help them learn new things and build their skills.

On-Campus Work Study Jobs

  • Library Assistant: Help with organizing books, checking out materials, and helping students find information.
  • Office Assistant: Work in school offices and help with tasks like answering phones, typing documents, and helping other students.
  • Tutor: Help other students with subjects like math, science, or writing.

Off-Campus Work Study Jobs

  • Community Service Jobs: These jobs are often with non-profit organizations that work in the community, like helping at a local food bank or tutoring kids.
  • Research Assistant: Some students can work with professors on research projects, especially if it relates to their major.

How Much Can You Earn in a Work Study Program?

One of the most common questions about work study is, “How much money can I earn?” It depends on a few things like the type of job and how many hours you work.

Understanding Work Study Earnings

How Pay is Calculated

  • Hourly pay: Most work study jobs pay students by the hour. This means you get paid for every hour you work.
  • Varies by job: Some jobs might pay more than others, depending on the type of work and the skills needed. However, all jobs must pay at least the minimum wage.

Limits on Work Hours

  • Part-time work: Work study jobs are part-time, so students can balance their work and school responsibilities.
  • Limited hours: Schools usually set a limit on how many hours a student can work each week, often between 10 to 20 hours, so that they have enough time for their classes and studies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a work study program?

A work study program allows students to work part-time jobs while they are attending school. It helps them earn money to pay for school expenses.

How can work study help with paying for college?

Work study jobs help students earn money to cover things like books, supplies, and daily living costs. This can make college more affordable.

Do I need to repay work study earnings?

No, students do not need to repay the money they earn through a work study job. It’s money that they earn by working.

Can I have other jobs while on work study?

Yes, students can have other jobs in addition to their work study job, but it’s important to manage time well to keep up with both work and school.


Work study programs are a great way for students to earn money while they are studying. They offer part-time jobs that can help pay for school costs and build valuable job skills. If you’re looking for ways to make college more affordable, consider applying for a work study program. It can be a big help on your journey through school.

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